One of the most important skills we can build is the ability to be patient.
We generally feel the discomfort of impatience because events are not unfolding at the pace we have expected. Let’s take a look at that definition a little closer.
We have discussed in earlier Insights the problem with harbouring expectations, but to recap, the use of expectations are locked into egoic thinking. Although our ego is an integral part of our life, we cannot allow our ego to control our emotions or actions. When we experience impatience we are allowing ourselves to buy into the view that time revolves around our own view of how time should be perceived. We have an expectation of how not only our time should be used, but how everyone who interacts with us should be following our perspective of how time unfolds.
I think it is pretty clear that this rarely happens. So, instead we feel dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction that can elevate to anger and resentment. Not only are we creating the situation that will lead to feelings of unhappiness, but we are also spreading that feeling to those around us.
Does this help move things back to the schedule we had expected? Rarely. And if it does, what was the cost? Anger and dissatisfaction all around.
When we allow events to unfold at their own natural rhythm and cadence we appreciate the true nature of the universe. Through our skill of equanimity we are not allowing ourselves to adhere to an egoic view of our self-importance.
We accept and allow. Appreciating each moment for what it is. Without attachment we release our attempt at controlling that which is not controllable.
Take a breath. Smile. Laugh at yourself. You will be glad you did.